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[important] CVS-generated email shouldn't go here

We're doing the wrong thing by having CVS commit messages sent to
debian-boot.  I'd like to change this in the following manner, quoted
from the Developer's Reference:

4.11.3 Forwarding CVS commits in the PTS

If you use a publicly accessible CVS repository for maintaining your
Debian package you may want to forward the commit notification to the
PTS so that the subscribers (possible co-maintainers) can closely
follow the package's evolution.

It's very easy to setup. Once your CVS repository generates commit
notifications, you just have to make sure it sends a copy of those
mails to srcpackage_cvs@packages.qa.debian.org. Only people who
accepts the cvs keyword will receive the notifications.

If anyone has any objections to this (I can't imaging why) let me
know. Otherwise I'll forward boot-floppies and debian-installer
messages to their corresponding PTS source pkg addresses.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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