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Re: Bug#149281: Module selection "many different filesystems" broken

#include <hallo.h>
Chris Tillman wrote on Fri Jun 07, 2002 um 08:59:39PM:

> > Why do you not just MOUNT the filesystem? AFAIK, the driver is already
> > built-in into the kernel and does not have to be loaded manually.
> This kind of thing keeps coming up. How would I go about documenting
> what's already 'in there' for people? I know we have the dialog that

Well, I created a message appearing before modconf starts, something
saying "The driver you looking for may be already loaded, blah, blah."

> says stuff might already be in there, but I mean producing a list of
> what people are used to seeing as modules which are built-in for each
> kernel we supply. Can I get this by grepping config files?

It would be possible to take target/boot/config-*, so some magic and
present a list of included drivers. But it still would not say whether
the driver is loaded or not. And the names of config options often do
not match the names of driver modules that the people look for.

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