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Re: One should be patient with root.bin and modules.dep

Shaul Karl <shaulka@bezeqint.net> writes:

> When using the latest root.bin that I could find (18-dec-2001) the 
> screen get flooded with messages about modprobe not being able to read 
> the modules.dep. Altough it is able to recover and continue the 
> installation process one should be patient in order for this to happen.

Well, you're english is a little bit shakey, but I know the issue you
are taking about.  These messages IIRC are caused by kmod (the kernel
module loader) not being happy.  We try to force it to shut up and
work-around but ...  anyhow, it's either something we can fix by
messing around in root.bin, or it's a limitation in kmod.

I don't see why "patience" is called for -- it's just some spam on the
screen, and is cleared once the install program (dbootstrap) starts.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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