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Bug#127546: boot-floppies: please, please, please include a pointer to basedebs/disks somewhere

reassign 127546 debootstrap
severity 127546 serious

Tomas Pospisek <tpo_deb@sourcepole.ch> writes:

> AFAIK there is nowhere a mention where one can find the basedebs.tgz or
> the base-disks.

There is no official place to find it.

Neither production of basedebs.tgz nor the placement of this in the
archive is the responsibility of the boot-floppies.

The fact is this is a serious bug against debootstrap this this isn't
produced, and a serious bug against ftp.debian.org that there isn't a
location for it once it is produced.

> Mind you there is *nowhere* AFAIS a mention of any base-stuff at all allthough
> it is required depending on how you install the system.

Actually, the only time it is ever required is when you only have a
floppy drive, no CD, no network.  What other case are you thinking of?

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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