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Re: Bug#127405: latest python2.1-xml breaks boot-floppies build system.

>   Something like that makes it work:
>   outfile.write ('    "%s",\n' % e.convert(lang.name).encode('utf-8'))
>   but according to the code, you'll have to do this only if you want
>   to convert. So, if it were me, I would separate the 2 cases.

ermmm.. that makes this code unnecessarily large.

Why is it not enough to specify 'utf-8' in here ?

    for lang in what:
        if do_convert:
            e = engine ('utf-8', lang.charset)
            e = do_not_convert ()

dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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