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Re: Revisions for Chapter 2, System Requirements

Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 11:36:16PM -0700 wrote:
> Proposed revisions for Chapter 2, System Requirements attached.

Hi Chris,

I took a look at the changes and they look good, my only question is :

Why take the following out?  I think it should stay.

-There are, however, some limitations in our boot floppy set with
-respect to supported hardware.  Some Linux-supported platforms might
-not be directly supported by our boot floppies.  If this is the case,
-you may have to create a custom rescue disk (see <ref
-id="rescue-replace-kernel">), or investigate network installations.
-    <p>
 Rather than attempting to describe all the different hardware
 configurations which are supported for &arch-title;, this section
 contains general information and pointers to where additional

> *----------------------------------------------------------------*
> |  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: <http://www.debian.org>            |
> | : :'  : | debian-imac:    <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net> |
> | `. `'`  |      . oo       Chris Tillman                        |
> |   `-    |     (   -)      tillman@azstarnet.com                |
> *----------------"--"--------------------------------------------*

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