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Re: successful installation with 2.3.5 boot-floppies

On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 12:04:49PM -0600, Matt Kraai wrote:
> Yep.  If you are interested in the other known issues, you might
> want to look at my faq-o-matic entry[1] for the boot-floppies.  It
> lists the status of all the issues that I know about.

Some notes on the FAQ-o-matic questions:

	* dhcp-client is in base in debootstrap 0.1.11 in sid

	* gcc-3.0-base is only needed on some currently unreleased
	  architectures, in particular hppa, iirc.

	* groff-base is sid only, and you're more liable to get effective
	  installs if you just focus on installing woody, which won't
	  have it's dependencies changed too frequently

I was under the impression the boot-floppy disks were being based on
packages in sid (busybox, debootstrap, etc) and used to install packages
from woody (dpkg.deb, bash.deb, libc6.deb, etc). This still seems the
sensible thing to do, to me, but stuff I read seems to indicate the
opposite is happening?

The main goal for boot-floppies at the moment, btw, is much simpler
than what you appear to be thinking: what we need right now are some
boot-floppies in the archive accompanied by a list of do's, don't's and
workarounds that can be used by competent testers to do woody installs.
These only need to be available for i386, they're allowed to only work for
one method ("You can't use these floppies for CD installs, nor for DHCP"),
they're allowed to have special instructions that you have to carry out
very precisely ("Switch to VC 2, type this confusing sed command... Before
rebooting, switch to VC 2, and chmod these directories like so..."),
all they have to do is be usable to install a functional woody system.

It'd be nice to start having "released" beta boot-floppies, asap. Even
without multiple architecture support, and whatever else.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

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                      -- John S. Novak, III (The Humblest Man on the Net)

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