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Bug#122769: ["james" <jfzuelow@alaska.net>] Re: Bug#122769: Debian PowerPC/PReP Boot floppies do not work on stock IBM 6015 machines

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--- Begin Message ---
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Di Carlo" <adam@onshore-devel.com>
To: "james" <jfzuelow@alaska.net>
Cc: <122769@bugs.debian.org>; <control@bugs.debian.org>
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Bug#122769: Debian PowerPC/PReP Boot floppies do not work on
stock IBM 6015 machines

> So, in short, you are saying that:
>   (a) powerpc prep boot-floppies should use 2.4 kernels, and
>   (a) the 2.4 kerne we use needs the patch from
>       http://www.remote.org/sven/ppc/40p.patch applied?
> Regarding (a), it requires thought, but I'm not against it if it
> increases the number of models we support and has been tested.
> Regarding (b), you need to file a bug against the prep kernel image
> source package, in short, kernel-patch-2.4.16-powerpc, asking that
> this patch be applied.  Please check first whether that kernel image
> (kernel-image-2.4.16-powerpc_2.4.16-1_powerpc.deb) already contains
> this patch or doesn't need it for other reasons.

a) After looking at things, I *think* that all that is required is PReP
boot floppies should be 2.4 kernel, with the 601workaround enabled.  I
scoured google and didn't find any examples of a 2.2 kernel working.  I
also found that people with my model (6015) that have successfully used a
2.4 kernel distribution boot disk also have a 604 upgrade on a daughter
card, so are not using the 601 on the board.

b) I am having trouble testing this due to my non-guru status.  I have a
partial Debian installation on the machine - I used Sven's boot disk image
to boot the machine, mounted the drive and put a base2_2.tgz on it.  This
is functional enough that apt-get dist-upgrade will work, and I brought
the machine up to Woody.  Tasksel does not work as I do not have a list of
tasks, so I have been apt-getting things to install them.  However since
the base system was not correctly installed, I have many missing scripts,
unconfigured paths, etc. and I have yet to get a kernel to compile.
Between work, school, and kids I won't have time to try again until

Now whether or not the official Debian PReP boot floppies should use 2.4
with the 601 workaround is something I can't answer, as it will slow down
non-601 machines.  Perhaps a link on the PReP install page to special 601


James Zuelow

--- End Message ---

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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