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Re: [i18n] language choser impact

Michael Sobolev <mss@transas.com> writes:

> Just to open a discussion what and how, I'd like to advise on what impact
> language chooser has (on my pentium):
>     dbootstrap (w/o language chooser)   124540
>     dbootstrap (w/ language chooser)    193180

Yow !  Why so much bigger?

>     release_notes for all available
>     languages in UTF-8                  32K
>     dbootstrap messages for all
>     available languages in UTF-8        1044K
>     libutf8_plug (to make UTF-8
>     really working)                     36661
>     bterm program (which supports
>     UTF-8 stuff)                        30556
>     a reduced (from unifont) font
>     that displays all characters in
>     release notes and messages          57059
> what gives + about 1265K.  So what can we do with that?  Please comment.

I believe this *will* fit on i386 1.44 root.bin and the 2.88 version.
Much of the stuff is text and should compress pretty well.  Just bump
up the image sizes in the top-level makefile.

You just have to test it and see if it works.

This would only apply to idepci and compact flavors, right?  Are you
going to change the top-level Makefile and/or config so that it can
automatically turn on/off the language chooser for the two flavors?
Do you need help with that?

For other arches, again, it probably should fit assuming they have
library reduction working; if not, they are out of luck.  Oh well to

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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