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Bug#63964: no localhost hostname or loopback device setup on fresh install of potato

Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

> The boot-floppies should be creating an /etc/network/interfaces file that
> includes the line:
> 	iface lo inet loopback
> at all times. They also should be including loopback in /etc/hosts at all
> times. Even when there's no other networking.

In my tests, we *do* do this.  I've check for PCMCIA network; I've
read through the code and I can't seem to find a case where these
files aren't written to.  Honestly I haven't tested the no network
case because I don't have a potato CD or enough patience or floppies.

> I haven't played with potato's boot floppies at all, so I've no idea
> what's actually happening here. :-/ One possibility is that this is due
> to using the old boot-floppies, 2.2.13 is the latest, I think and fixes
> a bunch of bugs.

Yes - Jason, which version of the boot-floppies were you using?

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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