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Re: Static apt for upgrading old Debian releases?

Since I didn't hear anything, it seems that there are at least no big
objections... ;-)

So I went ahead and grabbed 0.3.18 source from frozen and did some ugly
kludging. Result: I now have all apt-things statically linked. Available at

I didn't yet test this thing. Volunteers please!

Question: now all apt-things are static, but... does apt-* need dpkg(-*)
for any purpose????

  Anne Bezemer

PS: My terrible but working kludges:

buildlib/library.mak: after "# The binary build rule", add:
        ar rc /tmp/libapt-pkg.a \
           $(filter %.opic,$^) \
        ranlib /tmp/libapt-pkg.a

cmdline/makefile: add "-static -L/tmp" to every SLIBS line, so mostly
  SLIBS = -lapt-pkg -static -L/tmp

Also in methods/makefile for all methods.

(And some mods to debian/control: Depends: empty & static indication)

Note: docs didn't build properly (missing some devel pkgs), simply
touch-ing them helped ;-)

On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, J.A. Bezemer wrote:

> [Cc'd to -boot because they seem responsible for _documenting_ upgrade
> procedures]
> Hi!
> Some time ago, over at debian-cd@lists, we were discussing the upgrade of
> older Debian versions (say, 1.3.1 to 2.2). Someone got the very clever idea
> that this would be doable easily with a statically compiled apt-get, apt-cdrom
> and dpkg(?). Q: is this possible/can you provide this? Just a package without
> any depends, so that it installs everywhere. The version number should be "a
> little lower" than the regular potato apt, and the static version could be
> put on "Hold" during the upgrade if necessary. This would then also be the
> preferred way to upgrade for example 2.1r0 which doesn't have a cdrom-capable
> apt. If someone can produce an apt-static.deb, I might be able to test it on
> some systems (I've got a complete backup of my old 1.3.1r8 system somewhere).

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