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Re: Bug#59358: Correction to 59358

>Adam Di Carlo wrote on Sun Mar 26, 2000 um 05:18:55AM:
>Good. But what about the boot alternative way via DOS->boot.bat? IMHO
>boot.bat should look like this:

'boot.bat' ?  Shouldn't we just modify install.bat, if anything?

>@ echo off
>rem Flush any write-cached disk blocks before we leave DOS. 
>smartdrv /c
>echo Following may be interessting if you get boot problems:
>type f6dos.txt
>rem <f6dos.txt is f6.txt in dos-format without escape chars>
>echo You can stop with CTRL-C now and add some parameters to boot.bat,
>echo eg. "boot.bat mem=128M hdc=ide-scsi"
>loadlin.exe linux root=/dev/ram ro initrd=root.bin %1 %2 %3

Interesting idea... 

>Another question: if the user add some parameters to the first boot
>prompt, will this parms be added automaticaly to the sample

No.  Should they be?

>If not, it would be nice to do so. I mean sth. like the following perl hack
>between the base system setup and lilo setup.
>system("/target/bin/mv /target/etc/lilo.conf /target/etc/lilo.conf.orig");
>@parms=split(/ /, $a);
>@clean = grep(!/BOOT|root|auto|initrd/, @parms); # Parms you want to remove from
>              #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^             the list
>  $append=join(' ', @clean);
>  $_=~s/append="/append="$append/i;
>  print lilo $_;

Another interesting idea.  Could you file separate bugs for these?
It's hard to track things when there are many problems and ideas
against a single bug report.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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