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Re: some bugs

>>>>> "Edmund" == Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS <edmundo@rano.org> writes:

    Edmund> 3) When you install the base system using NFS you are exposed to
    Edmund> things like "/instmnt" or even "//instmnt" as the file path. I think
    Edmund> dbootstrap should ask the user for a relative file path, relative to
    Edmund> the mount point. I think this is the code in choose_archive_dir.

 I think it should also, and thought about that when I fixed the
 directory browser so it would even work at all with NFS &c installs.
 The simplest way to get it working at all was to expose /instmnt like
 that.  A "feature" type rational for that would be that it shows you
 where it's actually mounted, so that if you go over to vt2, you know
 where to look for it...

 I think this is of lower priority than several other things we need
 to fix.  It's merely cosmetic, IMO.

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