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CD issues...

I've been attempting to create some sparc CD's. I've never done this
before, so I've had to learn and fix at the same time :)

Basically, I have a working setup, with a few tweaks. What I wanted to
know is, is it ok to commit changes to the debian-cd tree, or are these
treated different from the boot-floppies cvs?

Also, I've commited a few minor changes to dbootstrap and scripts so that
it is possible to boot a read-only root (a la, CDROM filesystem as the
root). It also does a couple of other things. For instance, if
"/cdrom_image" exists, then the choose_medium gives an nice bit of extra
info telling the user they ought to use the CDROM method (silly I know,
but it helps, and doesn't hurt). It also makes the search for kernel,
drivers and base a little smarter by not presenting any choices when they
use this method (two less questions to the user, always a big bonus).

So any of the porters creating CD images, simply need to "touch
/cdrom_image" in the root.bin that they use for the CDROM creation. Also
there is one extra thing, since SPARC is going to use an ext2 filesystem
as the main fs on the first CD, this means that it will use the "mounted"
method, and dbootstrap recognizes this aswell.

Any questions, just ask. Nothing I've changed with regard to this should
affect anything else. Plus in the process, I actually fixed a few things
in other places :)


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
`     bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bmc@visi.net     '

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