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Re: Why the boot-floppies are taking so long.

On Tue, Mar 07, 2000 at 10:09:33PM -0700, Randolph Chung wrote:
> > Please tell me you did not much with this setup. I worked very hard on
> > getting it able to parse out a flat directory tree since most people to
> > not copy the images to their local drive in the same tree setup as the
> > archive (they just put everything into one directory, flat).
> Ben, can you explain to us what you have in mind? the tree is not flat right
> now, but is mostly as it was before with some bugs fixed. 

Basically the problem is that users who download the images to a local
drive were required to mimic the original directory structure on the
archive. But most users do not do that, they simply download the rescue
image, driver tarball, and base tarball. Then they put that all in one
directory on the local driver.

However, dboostrap was hardcoded to find the full path from whatever base
they supplied. So if they choose /instmnt/linux, and everything was in
there (as a flat dir), it would still search for
"<subarch>/disks-<size>/<image>" or whatever. This could be very
frustrating, and is IMO, the wrong way. So I had it setup where it would
search for the full path first, and then backup to check just the image
name. You will see this in dbootstrap.h:

#define KERDISKPATH     "%simages-%s/%srescue%s.bin"
#define KERDISKFILE     "rescue%s.bin"
                        /* arch/[flavor/]drivers[-kver].tgz */
#define DRVTGZPATH      "%s%sdrivers%s.tgz"
#define DRVTGZFILE      "drivers%s.tgz"

This defined two things, a full path for the image, as it would appear
in the expected directory structure, and the image name itself (base
doesn't really matter in this respect). The search functions should (if
they haven't been changed too much) look for the *PATH first, and then
fallback to the *FILE. It sanity checks by making sure that either both
are in the tree, or they are both flat (not mix matched, which would mean
something is weird).


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
`     bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bmc@visi.net     '

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