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Re: 2.2.8 release?

 I'm mailing the draft... tired of editting.  Need a break.  Said enough.

>>>>> "David" == David Huggins-Daines <dhuggins@linuxcare.com> writes:

    David> karlheg@bittersweet.inetarena.com (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes:
    >> >>>>> "David" == David Huggins-Daines <dhuggins@linuxcare.com> writes:
    David> I have a couple of minor things to fix for Alpha (i386-isms introduced
    David> by the merge of the karlheg_br_markv_whatever branch, some
    >> What did I break, just out of curiosity?

    David> The dbootstrap Makefile had some problems, which cost me lots of time
    David> since it led to root.bin being unnecessarily rebuilt every time I ran
    David> "make" in the toplevel directory.  Also your 'unmount' target was
    David> broken (only one $ on a shell variable - the scourge of Makefile
    David> writing :), as was the dbootstrap/po Makefile.  And the libfdisk
    David> Makefile's dependency checking was slightly broken (it made rules of
    David> the form 'testing: testing.c' instead of '.depend/testing: testing.c')

 Hmmm, Ok, Thanks.  Live and learn.  I'll try and remember to double
 the dollars and will be more carefull to double check the contents of
 the dependancy files.  What was causing root.bin to be rebuilt?  I
 must have dropped a dependancy or something that was in the original
 makefile?  Or is it just that there's a separate `root.bin' for each
 kernel flavor due to the fact that it must contain some modules?
 (unix.o, af_packet.o for the standard i386 kernel image)

    David> The .translation/ stuff in the dbootstrap makefile is pretty nice
    David> though, much better than the old '.tmp.foo.c' cruft.  Good work (even
    David> if I think your Makefiles are somewhat needlessly complex :)

 I don't think they're all that complex...  I like to use target local
 variables and to add dependancies in more than one place, to "fold"
 as much as possible into common blocks of `make' code and eliminate
 the use of recursive make.  I'm just learning to write Makefiles.


 GNU Make is really neat.  I've begun a rewrite of the `boot-floppies'
 build on `br_woody_exp'...  (which I need to put down and just dig
 into kludging the release.sh script into putting things where the
 Makefile ought to have put them to begin with... for Potato, along
 with the changes to `dbootstrap' &c that make it look in the right
 place for things now that the archive is going to be rearranged
 some.... and I need to do that by early this week...  I have just
 enough money right now to pay part of my bills (less than half, and
 none for the student loan that I just got out of default <sigh> I
 think I'll just rip it up and "self" educate.  So much for the CS
 degree I wanted to try and get.) and all of my rent this month (that
 is first priority.  I'm tired of backpacking.).  I HAVE to look for
 part time work SOON.  I have to start no later than Tuesday...  I
 need at least another $200 this month to cover all of my obligations.
 (Anybody gets the urge to mail me a check or some parts, I won't stop
 you.  Wish I was on someone's payroll...  I'm inexpensive.  $300 more
 a month would cover me right now.)  I'd rather work on this Debian
 stuff than go flip hamburgers or wait tables part time.  5 chickens
 in the freezer though...  found it at $.59/Lb.  I won't go hungry.)

    David> There was only one i386-ism I spotted actually - the message about
    David> LILO and the 1024 cylinder limit.  There is no LILO on any other
    David> architecture nor is there a 1024-cylinder limit (in fact, CHS disk
    David> geometry in general, which we all know is fake anyway these days, is
    David> irrelevant to machines without DOS-brain-damaged firmware)
 Will you guard it with #if #cpu(...) please?  If you want any message
 there for your arch, just do it.  I have no idea what anything but
 i386 is like.

 I had some trouble with the computer I just installed... I configured
 the drive via the BIOS to use LBA.  Linux installed fine, ran fine,
 and rebooted several times, then all of a sudden quit working...  I
 had one kernel installed, LILO in the MBR, and had the `optional'
 keyword in the second image's block in lilo.conf (the new default
 lilo.conf that dbootstrap writes).  I made a symlink (don't know what
 made me do it.) /boot/vmlinuz.old -> /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.14 that is
 normally not there, and ran `lilo'.  (I don't know if this is what
 caused it... or where the error occurs... is it Lilo, or a Linux
 kernel bug????  This is an important question.)  When I rebooted, it
 failed to find a superblock on the root partition after booting the
 kernel...  It was looking in the wrong place on the disk for the
 start of a filesystem.

 I futzed around for an hour, and finally tried `gpart'.  It guessed
 the second partition as the first one, and the third partition as the
 second one, with the last two blank.  I don't know if the numbers it
 gave for start and end cylinder of the partitions it guessed where
 the same as what cfdisk wrote when I first partitioned the drive.
 They looked credible enough though... but the first partition was not
 listed, and the second partition was listed by `gpart' as being the
 first. Why?  (I'd made a 10Mb hda1 "/boot", a 64Mb hda2 "swap", and
 the rest hda3 "/".)

 I think there's something wrong with LBA translation... the `grub'
 manual says something about how there is more than one way to
 calculate CHS translations, &c.  I think there's a discrepancy
 between the way that Lilo/Linux(?) calculated and the way this '94
 (?) bios calculated it.

 I wanted to use `gpart' to fix the partition table, since I'd already
 installed and done a few hours of setup work... for a client.  It
 didn't guess right though, and I don't know if `gpart' is broken or
 if the disk was scrogged, or what.

 I ran `cfdisk' finally, and chose the same sizes as before, then
 wrote the partition table.  On vt2, I was able to mount /dev/hda1,
 and read the directory on it.  It looked like all the files where
 still intact.  This is the partition that `gpart' didn't divine the
 existance of.  I was ecstatic, thinking I'd recovered my work...  so
 I rebooted.  It didn't work, of course...  (in retrospect I see that
 I could have also seenq whether files in /boot could be read, not
 just the dir `ls'... though if I could `ls' I could probably `cat'.)
 The lilo MBR found the kernel fine and booted it, of course.  That
 kernel could not find a valid superblock where it expected one for
 it's "/", on /dev/hda3.  The partition table did not point to
 someplace where `mke2fs' had been run.  I'd reconfigured the BIOS
 prior to repartitioning so that it used CHS (Normal)...  so it could
 find the first partition, at the start of the disk, but the
 calculations for where the boundaries between partitions are was not
 the same as the first time I partitioned it, under LBA geometry.

 I wound up reinstalling everything.  Wish I'd have saved a `dpkg
 --get-selections' and a tarball of /etc and /root.  The warning about
 creating a backup before continuing with the installation is no joke.

 I am very concerned that there may be major problems for people who
 are using LBA translation.  When you buy a new harddrive anymore, it
 says to "choose LBA" on the drive packageing.  Most (?) windows users
 who will want to dual-boot will have things set for LBA.

 Does anyone else have much experience installing machines and have
 any experience with / knowledge of LBA vs CHS translation (Large) and
 CHS normal?

 I did not have time to experiment with the box very long, or I would
 have tried a few things to see if I can reproduce this.  As I said
 earlier, I'm some EDO RAM and a Pentium CPU away from having another
 machine to build for testing.

    David> <gripe>
    David> Actually it looks like that message may have already been
    David> there, just only in the "verbose" mode.  For the record, this whole
    David> verbose/non-verbose flag thing is pretty confusing, I don't want
    David> dbootstrap to hide anything from me or have to specify special
    David> undocumented (please don't say they're documented in the syslinux boot
    David> screen - this is only on i386) boot parameters to get it to do what I
    David> want.  But maybe I didn't follow the rationale behind it.  IMHO
    David> dbootstrap fails to be sufficiently self-documenting and this is one
    David> of the reasons people have trouble installing Debian.
    David> </gripe>

 Why don't we rip out the `verbose' cruftaroni then?  And in the
 process, perhaps make the `debug' thing work a little better.  Not
 everything supports it.  `modconf' ought to have `debug' support in
 it, perhaps.  It could be in the envrironment easily enough.

 One thing at a time.  We ought to get it squared away and ready for a
 useable release this week or so --- Isn't that the when of it?

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