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Package:	boot-floppies
Version:	2.1.9
architecture:	i386
model:		Hard Data (clone) K6-300
memory:		64 MB
scsi:		Intraserver (Symbios 53C875) and Buslogic (BT-930?)
cd-rom:		Pioneer and Sony (SCSI)

  I'm just getting involved with Debian, been a Slackware
and then SuSE person up till now.  I am trying to change over
from SuSE to Debian on a machine I have, that has 2 SCSI
controllers.  Under SuSE, the Symbios 53C875 based card
is seen first, and so my bootable SCSI disk is /dev/sda.
In trying to install Debian on top of this previous
SuSE installation (mostly removed now), I find that
now the Buslogic controller is seen first, and since
I currently have a single SCSI Zip attached to that
controller, all my SCSI disks have advanced up one
drive letter.  What I am going to do is to disconnect
that controller and install without it (putting all
the various drive letters where they "should be"
according to the fstab.  I don't know if your boot-floppies
package should consider this, but I thought you might
be interested.

  The other thing which seems to be happening is that
I actually have multiple partitions (/var and /boot
are their own partitions) and I've been manually
mounting those on console 2 while playing with your
boot floppies package.  I had this same problem
with SuSE and yast, so I was expecting this.

  I hope this is of some interest/food for thought,
it's not really a bug report.  Thanks for putting
the package together, and for maintaining it.


Matter Realisations     http://www.materialisations.com/
Gordon Haverland, B.Sc. M.Eng. President
101  9504 182 St. NW    Edmonton, AB, CA  T5T 3A7
780/481-8019            ghaverla @ freenet.edmonton.ab.ca

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