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Bug#21867: CTRL-C is disabled during first boot


> During the first boot the CTRL-C is disabled. It should be reenabled
> before dselect is started. Dselect tells the user that he can for
> example cancel the acess method dialog with CTRL-C in case he
> mistyped.

] I don't understand this bug report.  When you say that Control-C is
] disabled during the first boot, you really mean that Control-C simply
] has no effect which the kernel is booting, which is true and correct.

] Control-C is *enabled* after the kernel boot.

I have just done a test installation with my Slink disks and can
confirm this bug, unfortunately.

After you've done with the installation and reboot the system, you
go into dselect, an access method, but can't interrupt it with C-c.
However on a regular system you can interrupt it.

Thus: This *IS* a bug indeed, and we have to figure out who disables



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	-- motd of irc.funet.fi

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