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Re: Announce (and question): Masquerading PPP server based on Debian


On Fri, 8 Jan 1999, Ben Pfaff wrote:

> Since last Saturday, I've designed and implemented a system based on
> Debian GNU/Linux that's specialized for one thing: acting as a
> masquerading PPP server, with automatic connect and disconnect, for a
> small LAN.  The main things I've done are:

[Snipped description of the system]

> Question: Would this system be useful to others?  If so, how do you
> suggest that I release it?  I have a certain amount of ftp space
> available to me, enough that I could put up a full binary and source
> release.
I for one would be interested in this system. I'm trying to get a customer
that is heavily NT-based to take interest in Linux and Debian. Actually,
just minutes before receiving your announce I was talking to them
about the possibility to do just this. It's always nice when luck (or as
in this case, someone else's hard work) step in with minute timing to
support one's arguments :)

Best regards,
    Fredrik Juhlin        laz@rjdk.com        http://www.rjdk.com/
    Cellular: +46 (0)709 52 40 72      Office: +46 (0)31 755 25 10
                                Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

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