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Install report (not successfull, 2nd image of 20031230, i386)

Hello all,

I just pressed "send" and "reload" and there was a new netinst-image!
Well, then just try this also.

	30-Dec-2003 11:11h netinst.iso 2nd build from
	just to be sure:
	md5sum sarge-i386-netinst-20031230.2.iso
	8d88a368fc22eeee25144b8592d75684  sarge-i386-netinst-20031230.2.iso

to make it short: This image is no good for my box.

- network cannot be configured, because ne2k-pci fails to load
  with unresolved symbols:
        insmod: unresolved symbol ei_close_Rc8e3042e
        insmod: unresolved symbol ei_open_R8c9e3b69
        insmod: unresolved symbol ethdev_init_R2342cc80
        insmod: unresolved symbol ei_interrupr_Rb93d8fa5
        insmod: unresolved symbol NS8390_init_Rd79efca9
  this worked on the image before.

- ncr53c8xx (scsi) is missing and sym53c8xx is not loaded through
  the hw detection phase. loading sym53c8xx, sr_mod and sd_mod
  manually results in the SCSI disks being avaliable, though.
  this worked on the image before

- booting "net" still results in the di-utils-devicefiles
  problem, see my last message

- I noticed that the selection list in "Load installer modules"
  is considerably shorter when booting "expert" instead of "net".
  That may or may not be a problem

This time I got a whee bit more fancy and requested lvmcfg and
md-modules to be installed. 

+ configure LVM shows up and works, which is nice :-)

- ext3 has vanished from the selection in conf.+mount filesystems

- I needed to mount /boot manually, not sure why. Its on ide (not
  scsi), and I requested the file system to be left alone.
  mount /dev/hda1 /target/boot would not work, whereas
  mount /dev/discs/disc0/part1 /target/boot did.

- installing the kernel failed, with mk.initrd claiming that
  /dev/vg00/lvol1 does not exist. This is not correct, but it
  makes dpkg install kernel-image-2.4.22-1-386 fail.
This leaves the system in an unbootable state, at which point I
think, it's time to quit for today.

At this time I would not call the last 3 points a problem, since
it can all stem from the same source as the unresolved symbols,
namely some build error on the image.



Base System Installation Checklist:

Initial boot worked:    [O]
Configure network HW:   [E]  unresolved symbols on ne2k-pci
Config network:         [ ]
Detect CD:              [O]
Load installer modules: [ ] 
Detect hard drives:     [E] ide drive ok, scsi only after loading sym53c8xx manually
Partition hard drives:  [O] 
---configure LVM        [O]
Create file systems:    [O] no ext3 any more ? reiserfs.
Mount partitions:       [E] did not mount /dev/hda1, manually ok.
Install base system:    [O]
---extra packages	[O]
---kernel		[E] mk.initrd: /dev/vg00/lvol1 does not exist ? Lie!
			    fails at this point.
Install boot loader:    [ ] 
Reboot:                 [ ]
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

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