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Re: debian-installer status -- 2002-07-29

On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 04:48:30AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

> So, to round this up, the current issue list is:
> - - unbreak cdebconf
> - - partitioner
> - - multiple arch support
> Comments, help and code is, as always, welcome.
Can you give us a kickstart on how to use it, how to build it, what has to
be done for other arches? Will there be a package, do we have to build it
directly from CVS? If CVS, how about a README-CVS as the boot-floppies have
it? Of course its possible to check d-i out, even without this knowledge,
but wouldn't it make things easier for d-i newbies?

I checked d-i out yesterday, today I found the build directory and typed:
Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  ethdetect: Depends: libdetect0 but it is not installable
E: Sorry, broken packages
make: *** [get_udebs-stamp] Error 100

This is on i386. Now if this was the wrong thing to do, it would be nice if
the right thing would be mentioned somewhere. Of course I could go through
all the subdirectories and read every README until I find what I need to
know to get going.

When you are talking about partitioning, are you using something portable or
one of the existing programs, fdisk, cfdisk? Whats the plan for arches where
cfdisk is not working? m68k has special fdisks for the subarches, will it be
possible to use them or do we have to get something else working? Does d-i
work without a partitioning tool?


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