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Re: cvs b-f on m68k test report

On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 01:56:34AM +0000, Richard Hirst wrote:

> The build expects some things in m68k-speicals that are not in CVS, and
> I had to go google for Penguin-19.hqx.  There are other things in my
> m68k-specials dir which are not in cvs, I guess I found those elsewhere
> last time I tried a b-f build.  Is there some official place those
> things live (Penguin*, amiga-kit.tgz, maybe others), and is there any
> reason they can't be in b-f cvs?

It part of the previous build:

Its not in CVS, um, because... I don't know, I wanted to stay more flexible
when changing some of the (amiga) icons or documentation (har har). Most of
those files are binary files, maybe they are not that suitable for CVS
handling. If you want to commit them, commit them. Otherwise get them from a
previous build. I guess I have some copies on some debian machines as well
(kullervo?, klecker).


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