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Re: Bug#83608: another update...

Previously Joey Hess wrote:
> Here's a better patch, fixes it trying to install man pages into
> /usr/share/man ..

I didn't use this patch but basically redid it from scratch. I found
some problems in the patch that you might want to check for in other

> +version		:=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version: | cut -d ' ' -f 2)

Nitpick: this can be done more efficiently with sed

> +arch		:=$(shell dpkg --print-architecture)

This is wrong, it breaks cross-compiling. You can use
dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH instead.

> +stamp-build-udeb build-udeb: stamp-config-udeb
> +	cd debian/build-udeb ; \
> +		$(MAKE) UDEB_CFLAGS="-Os -fomit-frame-pointer"
> +	touch stamp-build-udeb

It's a bit cleaner to set the CFLAGS before running configure.

> +# Install udeb binaries
> +	for udeb in $(udebs); do \
> +		cd debian/build-udeb; \
> +		$(MAKE) prefix=$(shell pwd)/debian/$$udeb/usr \
> +			exec_prefix=$(shell pwd)/debian/$$udeb install; \
> +	done

You forget to do a "set -e" before the for here, so any errors in here
will be silently ignored. This holds for the other for loops you
introduced as well.

>  # Do some changes for Debian
>  	-strip debian/tmp/sbin/*

Nice to see debian/tmp is still stripped, but you forgot to strip
the binaries in the udeb..

> +		dpkg-gencontrol -p$$udeb -Pdebian/$$udeb -fdebian/files.fake; \
> +		dpkg-distaddfile $${udeb}_$(version)_$(arch).udeb \
> +			debian-installer $(priority); \

Why are we using dpkg-distaddfile here? This looks like a workaround
for a missing feature in dinstall..


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