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Re: help boot-floopies for woody?

Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 04:34:11PM -0700 wrote:
> A friend forwarded me a request for help to get boot-floppies ready for
> woody.  Unfortunately, the request was older than the most recent
> archives of this list on my mail->news gateway, so I'm not sure what's
> been taken.
> I'd like to do whatever I can to help get boot-floppies ready for woody,
> so if someone can let me know what needs doing, I'll just go ahead and
> jump in feet-first.

great, there is a todo in boot-floppies cvs.  Any help is greatly appreciated.
People are updating (or should be at least) that todo as they do work, so it is
a fairly good way of determining how to help.


> -=Eric
> -- 
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