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Re: [Beowulf] Selection of Beowulf cluster type

I'm curious to know if you've had any issues getting up-to-date versions of the packages you want to run, and which release of debian you draw your packages from (stable, testing, unstable, or some mix there of).

On Jan 21, 2004, at 8:22 AM, Camm Maguire wrote:

Greetings!  Just a brief plug for Debian here -- we've been using it
on our commercial cluster for many years and across several hardware
upgrades, and, after the initial installation, never futzing with the
software by hand other than 'apt-get install' and/or 'apt-get
dist-upgrade'!  We're literally running the 'same installation'
automatically upgraded via apt through at least 3 or 4 Debian release
generations.  And the quantity of parallel software available 'out of
the box' is enormous!  I'll never forget the day I could just 'apt-get
install scalapack-lam-dev' and diagonalize huge matrices across the
cluster with hardly a hitch.  As for the initial installation, some
people like FAI, though I have never tried it myself, as I've only had
to install once, and that was somewhere around 1995 ....

Take care,

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