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Re: btrfs-tools

Am Montag, 15. Februar 2010 schrieb Sebastian Harl:
> Heya Martin,

Hallo Sebastian,

> > There has been some sponsoring request regarding btrfs-tools in May 2009,
> > so if someone wants to sponsor this updated version thats fine with me.
> > If  not, thats fine with me to. I will provide updates as long as I use
> > Lenny on my Workstation at work at least.
> Do you consider the package to be stable enough to be available for
> stable (in a rather official/well-known place)? What do other think
> about making btrfs stuff available in bpo? If there are no objections,
> I'll sponsor the upload.

Well it basically works with a self built 2.6.32 kernel. I think it won't work 
with 2.6.30 bpo kernel as there was a format change. Upstream considers it as 
experimental. Raid options - at least raid1 - do not appear to work yet, at 
least according to df disk usage figures (see below). So no, not stable for 
production use, not stable for production data - insert your favorite 

But IMHO stable enough to play around with it. So interesting for everyone who 
wants to have an early glimpse at BTRFS without upgrading his Debian system 
to squeeze/sid. btrfs-tools 0.19 is quite old in itself already compared to 
git HEAD, but thats what official available in Debian Squeeze/Sid ATM.

I do not have a firm oppinion. On one side I would not like to advertise BTRFS 
as being stable. On the other hand it can come quite handy to have some BTRFS 
test partition running on an Debian Lenny machine. Make your pick.

I used:

ms@mango:~> cat /proc/version
Linux version (ms@mango)

And tested like this:

mango:~# pvcreate --metadatacopies 2 /dev/sda8
  Physical volume "/dev/sda8" successfully created
mango:~# pvcreate --metadatacopies 2 /dev/sdb8
  Physical volume "/dev/sdb8" successfully created
mango:~# vgcreate mango1 /dev/sda8
  Volume group "mango1" successfully created
mango:~# vgcreate mango2 /dev/sdb8
  Volume group "mango2" successfully created
mango:~# lvcreate -n homelokal1 -L 200G /dev/sda8
  Volume group "sda8" not found
mango:~# lvcreate -n homelokal1 -L 200G mango1
  Logical volume "homelokal1" created
mango:~# lvcreate -n homelokal2 -L 200G mango1
  Logical volume "homelokal2" created

mango:~# modprobe btrfs

otherwise /dev/btrfs-control which mkfs.btrfs tries to access is not available

mango:~# mkfs.btrfs -d raid1 -m 
raid1 /dev/mango1/homelokal1 /dev/mango2/homelokal2

WARNING! - see http://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org before using

adding device /dev/mango2/homelokal2 id 2
fs created label (null) on /dev/mango1/homelokal1
        nodesize 4096 leafsize 4096 sectorsize 4096 size 400.00GB
Btrfs Btrfs v0.19
mango:~# mount -t btrfs /dev/mango1/homelokal1 /mnt/zeit
mango:~# ls -l /mnt/zeit
insgesamt 0
mango:~# df -hT /mnt/zeirt
df: „/mnt/zeirt“: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
df: keine Dateisysteme bearbeitet
mango:~# df -hT /mnt/zeit
Dateisystem   Typ    Größe Benut  Verf Ben% Eingehängt auf
             btrfs    400G   28K  400G   1% /mnt/zeit

This should be 200G if it was a RAID 1. So this smells like RAID 0 being used.

mango:~# touch /mnt/zeit/hallo
mango:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/zeit/ddimg bs=1M count=100
100+0 Datensätze ein
100+0 Datensätze aus
104857600 Bytes (105 MB) kopiert, 0,313594 s, 334 MB/s

At least it reads back in what I wrote ;-):

mango:~# hd /mnt/zeit/ddimg
00000000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|

Martin Steigerwald
Trainer / Consultant / System Engineer

team(ix) GmbH
Solide IT-Infrastruktur
Südwestpark 35
90449 Nürnberg

fon:   +49 (911) 30999- 0
fax:   +49 (911) 30999-99
mail:  ms@teamix.de
web:   http://www.teamix.de
vcf:   http://www.teamix.de/vcf/ms.vcf
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       A0CA 1E10 C593 0399 AE90

Amtsgericht Nürnberg, HRB 18320
Geschäftsführer: Oliver Kügow, Richard Müller

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