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Re: backport python-astropy for jessie?

Hi Leo,

On 25.01.2017 23:46, Leo P. Singer wrote:
> Hi Ole,
> TL;DR: Success! What do I do next to submit a jessie-backport of
> python-astropy?
> I successfully built backports for python-astropy and all its
> dependencies. After my signature below are the latest local changelog
> entries from all of the packages that I had to rebuild. Wherever the
> changelog says only "Rebuild for jessie-backports", that means that
> there were no changes necessary to the sources.
> How does this look? As you can see, the only package for which I
> started from a release that is not the latest in sid, and the only
> package for which I had to make any changes to the source, was
> python-astropy itself.
> What should I do next? What is the protocol for actually pushing
> these backports? Should I put the full jessie branches somewhere for
> review? If so, where? Should I contact each of the maintainers?
> Anything else to think of?

That is great!!! So, we will get backports of the important packages soon...

In principle, you now just need a sponsor, and discuss the remaining
things (if any) with him. I don't want to do this myself, since I never
did a backport myself, and so I don't have the experiences of the
possible pitfalls here.  I put Andreas and Steffen into Cc:, maybe they
could have a look and sponsor these packages for the first time. Once
they are there, I have no problem to set the maintainer-allowed flag for
the packages so that you can maintain the backports directly yourself.

Best regards


> Thanks, Leo
> giza (0.9.4-3~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
> * Rebuild for jessie-backports.
> wcslib (5.16-1~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
> * Rebuild for jessie-backports.
> erfa (1.3.0-2~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
> * Rebuild for jessie-backports.
> python-astropy-helpers (1.3-2~bpo8+1) jessie-backports;
> urgency=medium
> * Rebuild for jessie-backports.
> python-astropy (1.2.1-1~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
> * Rebuild for jessie-backports. * Remove python-astropy-doc because
> pybuild does not support sphinxdoc on jessie. * Depend on wcslib-dev
> (>= 5.14) due to missing macro definitions in earlier versions.

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