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Problem with arm64: mcmodel=large and fPIC


I'm the maintainer of a package 'flexpart' which is no longer building
on arm64.

The problem is that I need mcmodel=large, and I now get:

gfortran -c -O2 -mcmodel=large -O2 -fdefault-real-8
-fconvert=little-endian -frecord-marker=4 -I/usr/include par_mod.f90
f951: sorry, unimplemented: code model 'large' with -fPIC

Notice that fPIC is not set on the command line.
Any ideas on how to proceed?

Please respond directly as I'm not subscribed to debian-arm.

Best regards

Alastair McKinstry, <alastair@sceal.ie>, <mckinstry@debian.org>, https://diaspora.sceal.ie/u/amckinstry
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