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Re: Booting Debian on my Arndale board

On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 6:21 PM, Phil Endecott
<spam_from_debian_arm@chezphil.org> wrote:
> Dear All,
> My "Arndale" board finally arrived recently and I have been trying to get it
> to do something useful.


> But the fact that I got no SATA problems while debootstrapping makes me
> think that that is not the problem.  So my question for this list is: should
> I be able to use this Linaro Ubuntu kernel (and their U-Boot) to boot a
> Debian armhf system?

you mean this?

yes, you should be able to.  that's what i did for this, which is an
odroid-u2 (exynos 4412 based) system, last week:

i used the kernel from here:

which is "listed" as ubuntu but isn't.

you would do well to have a wander over the process that i did because
i think you'll find that what you need is pretty similar.  for the
"fusing" of u-boot they've got a couple of dd commands listed on the
linaro wiki page, whereas the little toe-rags at hardkernel have
enabled DRM so you need to do Treacherous-Zone signing with a little
script grrr so that's what the sd_fusing.sh script is all about, but
it's essentially the same thing: 4 dd's instead of just the 2.

btw once you have a working system (even chroot) then just for fits
and giggles i advise you to do *native* compiles of the kernel.  fuck
the cross-compiling - why would you want to do that when you now have
a quad-core system @ 2ghz with 2gb of RAM on your hands?? :)

even on the exynos 4412, the odroid-u2, running at 1.7ghz with 2gb of
RAM i used the NAND (eMMC) drive and it only took 10-15 minutes to do
a native kernel compile using "make -j6".

plus, native compiling will give you more confidence that the system's
able to stand up to some heavy loads.

you've got a decent system there - use it!!



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