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Help needed to debug an armel build/unittest failure


The package protobuf fails to build on armel due to failing unittests
I talked with upstream and they said it might be a compiler issue, see
(I hope you can see this without needing to login). The most important
quote in there is:

>Oops, I used the wrong numbers here.  The interesting numbers are:
>>>> print "\n%x != %x\n%x != %x" % tuple((x & 0xffffffffffffffff for x in
>(-9223372035781033984, -9223372036854775808, 9223372035781033983,
>8000000040000000 != 8000000000000000
>7fffffffbfffffff != 7fffffffffffffff
>So it looks like what we're actually seeing here is one bit of corruption.
>I still strongly suspect a compiler bug.  Probably the compiler's emulation
>of 64-bit arithmetic is broken in some way.

First, are you aware of 64-bit arithmetic issues on arm(el)?

Second question would be if it's OK to use agricola to test this, given
that it needs a lot of disk space and CPU time to do the full build? If
yes, are there more instructions about how to do this than "The machine
have development chroot environments which you can access with dchroot"?

(please keep me CC-ed)


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