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Bug#606334: apache2: fails to start with dependency based boot if DNS is required by configuration

]] Bjørn Mork 

| This could easily be resolved by adding
| # Should-Start:      $named
| to the apache2 init script.  Please fix for squeeze.  Thanks.

Actually, it should be Required-Start, as per


  IP name-to-address translation, using the interfaces described in this
  specification, are available to the level the system normally provides
  them. Example: if a DNS query daemon normally provides this facility,
  then that daemon has been started

I don't know if sysvinit is smart enough to know whether
/etc/resolv.conf points at localhost or not, but if it's not, it should
be fixed so it'll DTRT here even if there's nothing providing $named.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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