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Bug#392557: Can't reproduce

You are right, I found it out in the mean time (somebody on nntp helped me), please ignore this bug request, it's wrong. The postinst- script did not put anything in /etc/apache2/mods-available in my install-script, as far as I can tell. It DID put mod_authnz_ldap.so in /usrlib/apache2/modules/. So I am safe, thanks for looking into that. Please close the bug, or delete it, if you can - all my fault ;)


On 12.10.2006, at 21:14, Thom May wrote:

I can't reproduce this:

: (unstable) 19:13 ~ % dpkg -L apache2.2-common G ldap

(G is an alias for grep) If you can do the same that would help trying to figure out what's going on.


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