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Re: back compiling k8temp.

On March 3, 2007 06:41:15 pm C Wakefield wrote:
> hello all.
> I would like to compile lm-sensors / i2c ---> hwmon/k8temp against
> 2.6.18-3-amd64 headers (debian pkg).
> Since hwmon/k8temp support didn't appear until about 2.6.19-1 , and, I
> can't boot a kernel newer than 2.6.18, I would like to ask anyone who may
> know of a script to do this.  I did find the original code, but I'm not
> sure how to make it work:
> make -C /lib/modules/2.6.18-3-amd64/build SUBDIRS=$PWD  modules

Not really a script but install/upgrade/reboot into kernel 2.6.18-4-amd64 
since it seems to be the latest available. Then install the 
linux-headers-2.6.18-4-amd64 or better still install the module-assistant 
package and use m-a prepare which should download, install and link the 
headers properly for building. Once this is done use your command above in 
the directory of the k8temp source changing of course to -4 in the line. When 
the k8temp.ko is compiled in the directory use modprobe k8temp if you want 
you can copy the k8temp.ko to 
the /lib/modules/2.6.18-4-amd64/kernel/drivers/hwmon/ directory then run 
depmod -a so if you have a line in your /etc/modules containing k8temp it 
will be loaded on boot. If you want to use gkrellm to monitor the temps I can 
send you patched .deb files of it I built so it will support the different 
type of sensors used with the k8temp module. Now you should make sure that 
you have installed lm-sensors 2.10.1 as it will be the version you will want 
to run, if running the sensors command using it you should get output similar 
to below.

>$ sensors
Adapter: ISA adapter
CPU Core Voltage:       +1.14 V (min  +1.00 V, max  +1.79 V)
DDR Voltage:            +2.69 V (min  +2.10 V, max  +3.10 V)
DDR VTT Voltage:        +1.37 V (min  +1.06 V, max  +1.55 V)
NB Voltage:             +1.56 V (min  +1.19 V, max  +1.79 V)
SB Voltage:             +2.58 V (min  +2.00 V, max  +3.00 V)
HyperTransport Voltage: +1.25 V (min  +0.94 V, max  +1.45 V)
AGP VDDQ Voltage:       +1.59 V (min  +1.25 V, max  +1.85 V)
ATX +5V:                +5.12 V (min  +3.97 V, max  +5.98 V)
ATX +3.3V:              +3.44 V (min  +2.63 V, max  +3.93 V)
Standby Voltage (+5V):  +5.22 V (min  +3.97 V, max  +5.98 V)
3VDual Voltage:         +3.40 V (min  +2.63 V, max  +3.93 V)
CPU Temperature:          +30°C  (high =   +75°C, crit =   +85°C)
SYS Temperature:          +29°C  (high =   +55°C, crit =   +65°C)
PWM Temperature:          +35°C  (high =   +80°C, crit =   +90°C)
CPU FAN Speed:         1800 RPM (min 1200 RPM)
NB FAN Speed:             0 RPM (min 1200 RPM)
SYS FAN Speed:         2580 RPM (min 1200 RPM)
AUX1 FAN Speed:           0 RPM (min 1200 RPM)
AUX2 FAN Speed:        1380 RPM (min 1200 RPM)

Adapter: PCI adapter
Core0 Temp:
Core1 Temp:

> Thanks for any replies,
> Chris W.

Your Welcome,


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