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Re: quake4 on debian amd64

On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 09:18:56PM +0200, Chaim Keren Tzion wrote:
> So what FOSS/.deb package would you recommend for the Nvidia 6600?

I would recommend the non-free (non FOSS) .deb package called nvidia-glx,
nvidia-glx-dev, and nvidia-kernel-source.

It installs cleanly and properly on a debian system, it uninstalls just
as cleanly.  It properly diverts conflicting files from other opengl
packages (like mesa) and undiverts when uninstalled.

The nvidia installer is very redhat oriented, and goes against working
with a unified packaging system.  If I wanted a broken unstable system,
I would run windows.  Since I don't want that, I run debian.  3rd party
installers are banned on my system unless they can install to /usr/local
and nowhere else (Unless I permit it).  vmware shows that it can be done
right, and their installer does work, and it cleans up nicely again and
the whole things works great from /usr/local.  The nvidia installer

Len Sorensen

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