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Re: Athlon Dual core support in kernel

Lennart Sorensen napsal(a):
On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 01:09:39PM +0200, Dmytro Kovalskyy wrote:
Ok, thanks to all!

If to compile a new kernel which compiler version better to use gcc-3.4 or gcc-3.3?

Are there some necessary options in menuconfig for the 2.6.15-1-amd64-k8-smp kernel?

Why not use the 2.6.15 kernel from unstable rather than bothering with
compiling your own for now?
optimization, perhaps?

myself, i usually compile my own kernel to include only the options i need. also, it nicely cleans the /lib/modules... but it probably isn't needed for ordinary use...



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