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no XDMCP support after upgrade of gdm / xorg / ...


a few days ago I upgraded all the packages (sid), among them were gdm
and xorg. Most of them still seem to behave as expected. 

The only problem I encountered so far, is the sudden lack of
XDMCP-support with gdm. This is quite a pita, as there are several
connected thin clients that should be managed by gdm. 

The following lines come from syslog:

Nov 28 07:15:54 localhost gconfd (schenk-2269): GConf server is not in
use, shutting down.
Nov 28 07:15:54 localhost gconfd (schenk-2269): Exiting
Nov 28 07:16:31 localhost gdm[2409]: gdm_config_parse: XDMCP was enabled
while there is no XDMCP support; turning it off
Nov 28 07:16:31 localhost gdm[2409]: gdm_config_parse: Chooser not found
or it can't be executed by the GDM user

I have no idea, what the problem is all about. I didn't change any
configuration (and I think I kept my old config-files instead of letting
dpkg overwrite my old settings). So far I did not find any clues
searching the web so far. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated! If some additional information
woudl be helpful, I would be glad to provide for it!

Thanks a lot,

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