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Re: Hello! from a newbie+ problems with debian for amd64+can't boot debian for i386 on amd64 from cd+can't extract sbm.bin from cd

Am Sonntag, 27. November 2005 22:19 schrieb Martin Baldan:
> Hello everyone!
> I've been wanting gradually move to linux for years, but was afraid
> because, due to academic requierements (specific applications I *must*
> use), I still need to have winXP installed on my computer for some time to
> come. I tried dual boot with Suse and it was more or less ok, but I
> preferred two independent hard drives. One reason is that Debian was the
> distribution I most looked forward to trying, but I had heard that
> partitions, dual boot and several other issues could be tricky. I've
> recently bought a new computer, and decided it was the time to put my
> scheme into practice. I felt adventurous, so I also decided to move from
> intel and give amd a try :D

>>1) Why don't I have permission to extract the "sbm.bin" file? How can I 
>> solve that? 
Don't think its a good way to trying to extract something, may
you've burned your cd in a wrong way. Did you setup your 
burning software in the correct way to create a bootable image ?

>> 2) I there another way to install Sarge for i-386 that works in my 
>> computer,  apart from booting from the installation cd?
>> 3) How can I use kde instead of Gnome as a GUI? (some say it works better)
is in sid, runs on my machine very well, standard install from debian 

 >>Again, my kindest greetings to everyone, sorry for every piece of missing 
 >>information or dumb questions. 

if you are a real newby, you may wait until december. As I knew debian etch 
should be finished in december, and there amd64 should be one of the standard 
supported systems. 

mit freundlichem Gruss -- regards

Thomas Drillich

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