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Re: Wrapping code

A Divendres 25 Novembre 2005 15:35, Goswin von Brederlow va escriure:
> Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <lepalom@wol.es> writes:
> > I forgot to mention that it's not c but that it's c++ with ABI from the
> > redhat 7.2 (gcc-2.96) . :-( If it's possible to use swig to generate
> > wrapper and then use the generated wrapper on another machine.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Leo
> g++ had huge abi changes. Instead of a wraper I would rather attempt a
> client/server approach there.
> Make a g++-2.96 binary the links against the old lib and one g++-4.0
> library. The library would fork the binary on _init along with a pipe
> pair and then send all function calls through that pipe and the
> results back.
> That is if you MUST.
Thank's a lot Goswin for all the answers. I have to reconsider about it. It 
seems an approach  to be done. But, all the time is the same: the 
availability of the source code. We have paid a lot of money for this 
libraries and we cannot upgrade the box for that. Also, I think that we 
cannot think in put an amd64 box because we really will not be able to use 
it... it's a sad thing.



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