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Re: Open office

Although I run my 64Studio for music I really miss Open office.
We often get asked to produce CD covers and such for our master CD's.

I can us OO for this but not on 64.

Its a shame as most of my Windoze people are really impressed with Linux on seeing this setup.

We can only wait as I have no understanding of a '32bit cherroot(?)'
Just my 2 p's worth


Charles de Miramon wrote:
Hamish Moffatt wrote:
You can use Goswin's unofficial amd64-archive package to get this working.
It builds amd64 debs of enough library and binary packages to get it
running, though it's running 32-bit behind the scenes. Very nice.

Does the Debian Amd64 developpers consider pushing this package in the
official repository (and similar ones for important 32bit applications
[Wine, Acrobat Reader])?  Considering the number of times, the OpenOffice
problem has been raised on this mailing list, it would certainly be useful
for your users and nice to have it for etch.



            hearmymusic.co.uk <http:www.hearmymusic.co.uk>

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