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Is there a known problem with formatting ext3 partitions on AMD-64

I have a machine I am trying to install Debian on.  It is an AMD-64 and has 
a DPT RAID card.  The disks appear on the I2O bus.

The Debian installer recognises them (once I have told it to load the right 
driver), and partitions them, but there is a problem when it comes to 
formatting them for EXT-3.

Either through the installer, or manually on VC2, the format seems to go
OK, but when I come to mount it, mount complains of an invalid parameter.

The manual mount command I tried was:-

mount -t ext3 /dev/i2o/hda/part1 /target

/target exists, as does the /dev/i2o/hda/part1.

The I2O maintainer is a bit confused as to why the disk is not called
/dev/i2o/hda1, but that appears to be a Debianism.

I also tried putting a small IDE drive on this box, and then I tried to format
it using the installer, and that hung at 100%.


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