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Re: best distro 4 AMD 64


You can expect almost the same from debian-amd64 distribution as used
to be in the traditional (x86) debian distribution...

The usual misses (filled with 32 bits apps... ) are:

flash in firefox

La distribución es basicamente igual así que puedes confiar en ella
como en la distribución tradicional de debian (x86)

Las aplicaciones que podrías extrañar son:

flash en firefox

pero puedes correrlas a 32 bits sin problemas...

On 7/22/05, fernando tear <el_teka@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:
> hello list:
> I know debian is the best distro, it's why i want
> install it in my machine...
> I just want to know your experiences and knowledge
> about this issue that i am sure it'll help me very
> mutch...
> greetings FERNANDO
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