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Re: Problems to link /usr/lib32/libpng.so.2 for Panotools 32bit

Gerhard Gaußling wrote:

> Now I tried to use a script in hugin to use the 32bit chroot for
> PTStitcher, but it doesn't works.
> ~/bin/PTStitcher
> #!/bin/bash
> dchroot -c i386_chroot -d PTStitcher $1 $2 $3 $4
> exit
> So, I'm not a good scripter and there might be a problem with $1 $2 $3
> $4 ;-).

Yes, that was the problem. Here is the right line:
dchroot -c i386_chroot -d PTStitcher "$@"
> But anyway: I want to know how to link the 32bit png lib the right way, to
> use PTStitcher and the other 32bit panotools from
> http://www.path.unimelb.edu.au/~dersch/
> http://www.path.unimelb.edu.au/~dersch/PanoTools.tar.gz
> on my amd64 x86_64 breezy box.

Yes, I'm still curious about this mysterious linker story.
Any insights? Any hints are grately appreciate!

Kind regards

Gerhard Gaußling

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