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Building amd64/k8 kernel from 32-bit userspace

I'm running a 32-bit Sarge on an Athlon-64 system.  I was previously
using the kernel-image-2.6.8-11-amd64-k8 kernel, but to solve a hardware
conflict I needed to build my own kernel.

In doing so, I have solved the hardware conflict.  However, I notice
that my running kernel is described by 'uname' as follows:

Linux .. 2.6.12+davee .. i686 GNU/Linux

This suggests I have an i686 kernel, not an amd64-k8 kernel.  I've
double-checked the kernel config and it is correctly set:


The resulting kernel packages produced by make-kpkg all include 'i386'
in the name and since 'uname' shows me 'i686', I can only assume that
the optimization for amd64-k8 hasn't been done.

This kernel appears to *run* fine, but why can't I build one for
amd64-k8?  Is it because I have a 32-bit i686 userspace and this is
considered cross-compiling or something??

OS details: fresh Debian Sarge, gcc 3.3.5

Any hints gratefully received.


Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
Cancer Research UK / Oxford University
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