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Re: ATI drivers for Debian 64 bit...

Ernest jw ter Kuile wrote:

On Sunday 25 September 2005 18:23, ptkacz@cogeco.ca wrote:
I'm thinking that accelerated OpenGL drivers should be part of the
distribution, with options available for choosing what flavor one would
like to go with.  I believe that this would make it easier on everyone.

Very true. It's just so unfortunate that ATi, NVidea and others don't distribute there drivers in source code with a DFSG acceptable licence.

Until that happens Debian users which want to use this non-free stuff are basically on their own, and must do it this way.


Oh I don't know, nvidia-glx is easy enough to install on Debian from non-free

The biggest problem for ATI users is there's no reasonable packages in Debian or elsewhere - and to be honest, any DD who took on the support nightmare of fglrx is insane.


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