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Re: nvida driver is not working after reboot

Sythos wrote:

On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 12:24:24PM +0200, Alexander Fieroch wrote:
every time I reboot my computer (SID, kernel 2.6.13) xorg can not load the nvidia driver build with m-a.

For nVidia, and *ONLY* for nVidia, I prefer download&compile directly
from nvidia installer, there are too critical aspect every kernel

The time spent with nv-installer is about the same of "apt-get&C."

But nvidia-installer overwrites a bunch of files dpkg is meant to handle (and the --uninstall option does NOT cleanly remove it).

So if your packages are upgraded (see: recent security updates to xfree in sarge), then your nvidia setup is half-overwritten by xfree versions. a nice messy mush is made.

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