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Re: kickers crashs on logout

2005 m. Birželio 30 d., Ketvirtadienis 22:58, Wolfgang Mader rašė:
> Hello list,

> sometime kicker crashs when I log out from kde (version 3.4.1). I think I
> found out that it only happend if I have amarok playing something at the
> time of logging out. Can someone please confirm this so that I can send a
> bugreport.
kicker crashes on every logout for me. I guess that's because of the applets I 
have loaded (Storage and KWeather). kicker was buggy in 3.4.0, it's still 
buggy in 3.4.1, so I'll wait for 3.4.2 before reporting anything.

> And another question. Is there that less activitation in the repository
> (sid) because of the release of sarge that happend in the near past? There
> has not been kde updates for let me guess two weeks or so.
KDE is written C++. glibc/gcc4/whole toolchain transition is planned in the 
near future and all C++ applications will have to be recompiled with a new 
g++, so ftpadmins discouradged from uploading any new C++ apps before 
transition starts. Otherwise, this would put useless load on buildds.

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