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Re: notebook choice advice...

Frederik Schueler <fs@lowpingbastards.de> writes:
> I have an acer wlmi 5024.

For what it is worth, here are my experiences with Acer Ferrari 3200.

- Display works fine (don't remember if I have proprietary ATI drivers
  or stock 4.x). Xinerama works well.
- All applications work fine (OO.org from Ubuntu, rest from Debian).
- Even VPN client and KPhone work fine.
- Gigabit ethernet works out of the box.
- WLAN works with ndiswrapper and WinXP 64-bit DLL (available on the
- DVD works, DVD write works.
- Card reader works out of the box.
- FireWire not tested.
- USB, PCMCIA, sound all work fine as expected.

All in all, if you want a decent resolution at a decent price, this is
a good laptop, and if you want to have 64-bit architecture, then the
value is even better.

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