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Re: mkinitrd/modprobe doesn't find sym53c8xx_2 (was Re: Built 2.6.8 kernel without ext3 bug and working qlogic driver)

Seems to be something with the module name:
* In 2.4.27 the module is called: sym53c8xx_2(.o)
* In 2.6.x it is called: sym53c8xx(.ko)

mkinitrd looks which scsi controllers are currently running and tries to put them into initrd.img. This does not work because:
alpha:/# modprobe sym53c8xx_2
FATAL: Module sym53c8xx_2 not found. <-- he got this name from 2.4.27
alpha:/# modprobe sym53c8xx  <-- he should test that

So this is a update problem from 2.4. to 2.6, the same like with changing the qlogicisp to qla1280.

You should put the same replacement line in mkinitrd that replaces scsi/module target names with driver names, just add:
s/^sym53c8xx.*$/sym53c8xx/; t

If you put both lines for sym and qla, you should have the newest supported drivers for your 2.6 kernel.

Also write bug report for mkinitrd.


At 22:18 19.01.2005, you wrote:

Uwe Schindler wrote:
Did you use the default kernel-config file (you can find it in boot/config-2.6.8-xxxxx after installing a 2.6.8 image)? If not, just
You gave me the idea to try it first with a precompiled default kernel.
I took the stock binary kernel-image-2.6.8-1-smp
(kernel-image-2.6.8-1-smp_2.6.8-6_alpha.deb). As I was installing, the
following error occured:
Setting up kernel-image-2.6.8-1-smp (2.6.8-6) ...
/usr/sbin/mkinitrd: add_modules_dep_2_5: modprobe failed
FATAL: Module sym53c8xx_2 not found.

So I checked:
# find /lib/modules -name sym53c8xx*
...or is this the wrong place to look?

Then I changed /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf to:
# MODULES=dep          <- old setting
MODULES=most           <- new setting
...and commented out sym53c8xx_2 in /etc/mkinitrd/modules and retried
with the same error.

I reread your post and tried:
* Before install: open /usr/sbin/mkinitrd in text editor and replace
the module in the line containing "qlogicisp" by "qla1280".
So I changed Line 588 to:
   s/^isp1020$/qla1280/; t
and retried with the same error as the result.

I set up a almost identical machine with the sarge rc2 installer to a 2.4.27 kernel. When I want to install 2.6.8-1-smp-6, I see the same error.

Since my boot drive is unchangeably on a ncr53c810 controller, I can't boot. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help!

Regards, Adrian.

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Uwe Schindler
H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen
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eMails: uwe@thetaphi.de (private); info@schindlers-software.de (company)
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