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Lots of D processes

  I'm getting a fair few proccesses that get stuck at state D.  I've
moved some stuff around on drives and assume it is to do with that.

This is what they look like

$ ps ax -o wchan=WCHAN________________,pid,stat,cmd  | grep D
WCHAN________________   PID STAT CMD
wait_on_buffer            6 DW   [kupdated]
lock_page              1892 D    sshd: csmall [priv]
wait_on_buffer         2524 D    sync
pipe_wait              2526 S    grep D

Any suggestions? No kernel changes, only disk changes 
( basically had / on hda1 and usr on hdc5 and var ond hdc4, moved / to
hdc1 and then swriteboot /dev/hdc -f3 . Then removed hda and made hdc
hda and changed the fstab around)

My partition looks like this:

6 partitions:
#       start       end      size     fstype   [fsize bsize   cpg]
  a:        2       611       610       ext2                      
  b:      611      1220       610       swap                      
  c:        1     59560     59560     unused        0     0       
  d:     1221      9347      8127       ext2                      
  e:     9348     23570     14223       ext2                      
  f:    23571     24383       813       ext2                      

sync always goes to D, shutdown does too

This is what mount says.

/dev/discs/disc0/part1 on / type ext2 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/discs/disc0/part4 on /var type xfs (rw)
/dev/discs/disc0/part5 on /usr type xfs (rw)
gonzo.inet:/home on /home type nfs (rw,addr=

  - Craig
Craig Small VK2XLZ  GnuPG:1C1B D893 1418 2AF4 45EE  95CB C76C E5AC 12CA DFA5
Eye-Net Consulting http://www.enc.com.au/                <csmall@enc.com.au>
MIEEE <csmall@ieee.org>                 Debian developer <csmall@debian.org>

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